when to convert short-term rental

The rise of the sharing economy and online platforms has made short-term rentals a lucrative option for property owners. From vacationers seeking unique experiences to business travelers looking for homier accommodations, short-term rentals have provided an excellent opportunity to capitalize on an ever-growing demand.

However, as the short-term rental market evolves, so do the challenges and considerations for property owners. If you’re wondering when to convert a short-term rental property to a long-term rental, it’s best to start by carefully evaluating the current performance of your rental and conducting a thorough market analysis. Making this decision requires a comprehensive understanding of the rental market, the financial implications involved, and your personal goals as a property owner.

Key Indicators That Signal It Might Be Time To Convert Your Rental

Assess Rental Performance

Begin by assessing the performance of your short-term rental over a reasonable period, preferably the last 12 to 24 months. Analyze key performance metrics, such as occupancy rates, average daily rates (ADR), and revenue generated. A declining occupancy rate combined with rising expenses could be a clear signal that the short-term rental model may no longer be financially viable.

Also weigh external factors that may have influenced the rental’s performance, such as changes in local regulations, new competitors entering the market, or shifts in traveler preferences. When you examine these factors in conjunction with your rental performance data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics and can make informed decisions about the future of your property.

During your assessment, you may also want to survey guest feedback and reviews to assess customer satisfaction. Negative reviews that highlight recurring issues, such as property maintenance or service problems, should not be overlooked. These reviews provide valuable insights into areas that require improvement and can help identify potential pain points that may be contributing to declining occupancy rates.

Examine Market Conditions

Understanding the current state of the local rental market can influence your decision. Beyond researching the demand for both short-term and long-term rentals in your area, make sure to pay attention to vacancy rates, rental rates, and any ongoing trends that may influence the rental market’s dynamics. Keep in mind that short-term rentals are often more susceptible to seasonal trends and market fluctuations. Additionally, check for any upcoming regulatory changes that could impact short-term rental operations.

Evaluate Financial Considerations

Next, conduct a detailed financial analysis comparing the potential income streams of short-term and long-term rentals and factor in all relevant expenses associated with each rental model. While short-term rentals can generate higher daily rates, they also come with more significant expenses, including cleaning fees, marketing costs, and utility bills. And, the potential for income fluctuations in the short-term market can be challenging for property owners to manage their finances effectively.

In contrast, long-term rentals offer a steady stream of income, which can be more appealing for those looking for consistent cash flow and easier budgeting. Before making a final decision, it’s also wise to review the tax implications and consult with a tax professional to gain insights into the financial impact of both options.

Realize The Tax Implications

Property taxes and income tax considerations also come into play when deciding whether to transition from short-term to long-term rentals. Depending on your location and local tax laws, there may be different tax treatment for short-term and long-term rental income. For example, short-term rental income is generally treated as ordinary income subject to regular tax rates, while long-term rental income is categorized as passive income, often taxed at a lower rate.

Long-term rentals also offer depreciation benefits and potential eligibility for long-term capital gains on property sale. While deductible expenses exist for both rental types, they may vary based on usage and management.

Additionally, local and state taxes may apply to short-term rentals, necessitating awareness of regional tax regulations. Consulting with a tax professional experienced in real estate taxation can help navigate the complexities, identify deductions, and ensure the most tax-efficient approach based on your financial objectives and property circumstances, including the possibility of a 1031 exchange for investment properties.

Reflect on Time Commitment and Management Effort

Assess the amount of time and effort you dedicate to managing your short-term rental. Managing short-term rentals often involves more hands-on work, including guest communication, check-ins, turnovers, and property maintenance. Many property owners find themselves struggling to keep up with the demanding workload associated with short-term rentals.

However, converting to a long-term rental arrangement can provide relief from the intensive management involved in short-term rentals, allowing property owners to focus on other ventures or enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. So when you are debating if now is the right time to make the move, consider whether or not you prefer a more hands-off rental approach.

Account for Property Wear and Tear

Take into account the condition of your property and the frequency of maintenance required for short-term rental turnovers. Frequent guest turnovers can lead to higher wear and tear on the property, leaving you to deal with higher maintenance costs and a need for more frequent renovations to keep the property in top shape. Calculate the potential savings on maintenance expenses by transitioning to a long-term rental, where tenants may have a greater incentive to care for the property as their long-term residence which can result in fewer property refurbishments.

Understand the Risk Factors

To help you make the decision of whether or not now is the right time to convert your short-term rental into a long-term one, evaluate the risks associated with each rental model. Short-term rentals are more sensitive to fluctuations in demand, economic downturns, and unforeseen events like natural disasters or pandemics. Long-term rentals on the other hand, offer more stability and predictable income, which may be appealing if you are seeking a steady investment return.

Consider Tenant Profiles

Think about the type of tenants you wish to attract. Do you want to cater to travelers and vacationers seeking temporary accommodations? If so, short-term rentals are more ideal. Or are you interested in targeting individuals and families seeking a stable living situation, in which case long-term rentals are most suitable? To make a well-informed decision, consider the pros and cons of each tenant category.

Review Local Regulations

Stay up-to-date about any changes in local regulations that may impact short-term rental operations. Short-term rentals, in particular, are subject to various regulations and zoning laws, which can vary significantly between locations. Local governments may impose restrictions, licensing requirements, or outright bans on short-term rentals to address concerns related to noise, safety, and changes in neighborhood dynamics.

The regulatory environment can significantly influence the feasibility and profitability of short-term rentals. Don’t forget to think about the potential hassle of complying with regulatory requirements and the impact on your rental income. The uncertainty and increasing restrictions in the regulatory environment might make the transition to long-term rental a better option for property owners seeking stability and ease of management.

Risk Mitigation

Market uncertainties and unforeseen events have demonstrated their potential to severely impact the short-term rental industry. As witnessed during recent pandemics, economic downturns, or other crises, short-term rentals are often the first to suffer due to a sharp decline in travel and tourism. The reliance on a steady stream of transient guests can leave short-term rental property owners vulnerable to abrupt drops in demand and revenue. On the other hand, long-term rentals have proven to offer more stability and security during turbulent times.

The nature of long-term rentals allows property owners to secure consistent, reliable income over an extended period. In times of economic uncertainty or crisis, individuals and families are often more likely to seek stable, affordable housing solutions, and long-term rentals fulfill this need. As a result, the demand for long-term rental properties tends to remain relatively stable, even during challenging economic conditions.

Converting a short-term rental property into a long-term rental can be a proactive risk management strategy. By making this transition, property owners can mitigate the impact of unpredictable events on their rental income.

Learn more: How to Turn a Short-Term Rental Into a Long-Term Rental

Deciding When To Convert Your Short-Term Rental to a Long-Term Rental

Deciding when to convert your short-term rental to a long-term rental requires careful consideration of various factors. While short-term rentals have their appeal, the stability and consistent income of long-term rentals can provide property owners with peace of mind and greater financial security.

Want to learn more tips about short-term or vacation rentals? Check our and others’ tips in this Expert Roundup in collaboration with Porchwarranty.com: Transforming Your Home into a Successful Vacation Rental: Expert Tips and Solutions

Ultimately, the decision to make the switch will depend on individual circumstances, goals, and risk tolerance. If you find yourself overwhelmed with the challenges of managing a short-term rental or seeking a more stable income stream, transitioning to long-term rentals may be a smart move that aligns better with your long-term objectives as a property owner.