Landlords and property managers often have to use standardized forms to communicate with tenants regarding things like lease violations or notices to pay rent or quit.
Rentec Direct just added a new feature to the forms editor allowing users to load templates for commonly used rental forms and customize the forms according to their needs.
The new templates in your software include: a Pay Rent or Quit Notice, Security Deposit Deduction Letter, Move In/Move Out Checklist, Residential Lease Agreement and others.
Where To Find Landlord Form Templates
The landlord forms are stored and edited in the Forms Editor of your property management software.
To access, view, edit and save your Forms Templates:
- Click on the Settings Tab
- Select the Forms Option
- Click the Form Templates on the left column
When you select Form Templates, you will see a selection of common landlord forms for you to edit and customize as needed. Just click on the pencil and paper icon to edit the templates.
Don’t see a form you are looking for?
If you don’t see a form you need, you can upload a form that you have previously used or create a new one in the Forms Editor.
- Learn how to create and edit your forms with the Forms Editor.
Here’s How Forms Work with Custom Fields in Your Forms Templates
When you open up a template it might look funny if you are unfamiliar with custom fields. Any time you see %xxxx%, that represents a custom field that will auto populate when you generate a form.
For example, let’s take a look at the screenshot below for an Itemized Security Deposit Deduction Letter Template:

The Forms Editor uses custom fields that will autopopulate your landlord forms templates with relevant information.
When you actually generate a form for a tenant, the %manager_name% placeholder will be replaced by the name of the designated property manager for the tenant’s rental property.
If you click on the preview button, you will see an example of what your form will look like, with sample information replacing the placeholders.

A preview of your template shows you an example of how the custom fields will look.
Editing the Landlord Form Templates
Rentec Direct offers a selection of common landlord forms to use as templates for your rental business.
Important: These forms are not state-specific. Before you use each one, you should review and edit the forms to make sure they comply with your state laws.
To learn more about state-specific forms click here.
These Forms Editor updates are immediately available to all Pro and PM Rentec Direct clients . Thanks to the Rentec Direct users whose suggestions help us to improve the system and provide you the features you need!
Want to start using the Forms Editor for your rental business but aren’t yet a Rentec Direct client? Sign up for your 14-day free trial today to access this and tons of other great features!