Rentec Direct understands that landlords and tenants have specific insurance needs that differ from the average homeowner.
From liability issues to natural disasters and every situation in between, ensure that you are protecting your investment and that your tenants are adequately protecting their belongings with these integrations.
Discover how these insurance needs integrated features work in your Rentec Direct software.
Rentec Direct Integrations That Help You With Insurance Needs:
Why is Steadily useful to you? Landlord Insurance
For rental properties, traditional homeowners insurance is often insufficient, which is why a landlord-specific policy is essential.
Steadily is the leading provider of landlord insurance policies, specializing in single-family and multifamily rental properties occupied by tenants. This integration allows you to purchase fast, affordable landlord insurance within your Rentec Direct account, so you and your property are protected. Tenants occupying rental properties such as single-family homes and multi-family units are covered by these policies.

Why is Rhino useful to you? Security Deposit Insurance
Provide your renters with the option to utilize security deposit insurance instead of a traditional cash deposit. Rhino is security deposit insurance that replaces a traditional security deposit. Renters pay Rhino a monthly fee instead of an upfront security deposit, and Rhino covers the property owner in case of damage or lost rent.
Along with being a tenant-friendly option, Rhino eliminates the need for landlords to collect or return cash deposits, saving leasing teams time by removing a step from the lease and move-out processes.
Why is Sure useful to you? Renters Insurance
Rentec Direct makes it easy to establish renters insurance requirements for each property and tenant with your Rentec Direct Account.
Tenants who do not have renters insurance can access the Sure App portal via the Tenant Portal to easily shop for an affordable policy. Your tenants can purchase affordable renters insurance through the Tenant Portal, protecting their belongings and your property.
Ready to take advantage of these amazing features? Sign up for your Rentec Direct account.

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