
Nathan Miller is the founder and president of Rentec Direct.

Nathan loves technology and innovation, especially when it comes to helping the rental industry do their job better, creating happier managers, owners, investors, and renters. For some great insight into Nathan Miller's values on how he runs a company by putting the values of his employees and customers first, see this article from Southern Oregon Business Journal - Anyone can be successful, Just ask Nathan Miller.

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Posts by Nathan

Is my landlord being foreclosed on?

I heard it again today, a couple already battered by cancer treatment telling us that they just got a 10 day eviction notice because the bank is foreclosing on their landlord’s property.  When they leave the hospital they...

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How easy is it to screen a tenant?

A couple years ago I had this question myself. At that time I visited the local credit reporting office in my town, and while they used to run screens on behalf of landlords have stopped that activity.  That is also true of...

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