Rentec Direct Blog

Foster Community with A Super Bowl Resident Event: Infographic

super bowl resident event

It’s almost time for the event that avid sports fans (and dedicated snack fans alike) wait for all year: Super Bowl Sunday!

You already know that fostering deep connections and sense of community in your multifamily property is an ideal way to boost tenant retention. And along with the other benefits that resident events offer, there’s no doubt that ensuring that if your property hosts fun and engaging activities, your residents are sure to be pleased.

A casual reason for residents to come together, there’s no other party theme that will ensure there’s something for everyone, quite like a super bowl resident event.

Now is the perfect time to make arrangements for hosting the perfect super bowl resident event for your tenants. The best part? It’s, perhaps, the easiest resident event to plan! Here are tips and tricks to make sure your event goes off without a hitch.

Spread the Word

A party isn’t a party without attendees, and there’s nothing worse than planning an event and having no guests. Post a few flyers in high-traffic areas and in any community spaces. Get the word out through your property management or resident Facebook page.


Maximize the Guest List

A resident event is a perfect time to invite potential renters to come and experience the culture of your community. Invite applicants and market your property for new leases and renewals. Host a raffle or other game-day prizes to entice potential tenants. Don’t forget to have applications on-hand in case your guests decide they want to make your residency their home.


Game-Day Grub

Keep food simple. The benefit of a super bowl event is that everyone expects simple, so there’s no need to invest extra energy into fancy catering ideas. Game-day food is painlessly easy to make for a large group. Place hot dogs in a crock pot, veggie and cheese trays, or make a nacho or potato bar. Or hire a local food truck. This ensures the food is hot, ready, and easy to clean up at the end of the day.

In the same vein, since residents will be focused on the game, this is one event that doesn’t require many decorations. Keep things fun and easy with football-shaped plates and a few pennant banners and tables covered in black paper. Use a white paint marker to draw simple plays with X’s and O’s for a festive way to ensure easy post-party clean-up.


Include Everyone

Not every resident will be the biggest sports fan, but they might still enjoy participating in the event. Some enjoy camaraderie, commercials, & halftime show more than the game itself. Set out board games for adults and toys for any children to enjoy while the rest of your residents are chatting about a recent touchdown.


Resident events are excellent ways to promote community and enjoy the camaraderie that develops between tenants. The Super Bowl is the perfect event for residents who want to get to know their neighbors in a relaxed setting. Regardless of whether you have been planning for an event since last year or last Tuesday, it’s not too late to celebrate with your tenants.


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