Rentec Direct Blog

Stop Tenant Complaints Before They Happen

Renter ComplaintsPositively managing tenant related complaints contributes to your success as a property manager or landlord and helps you retain your best renters.  With each interaction that is handled appropriately, you build the foundation for a great relationship with your current tenants, which translate to less turnover, less vacancies, and more income.  

To help you prepare you for future tenant interactions, here is a list of the most common complaints tenants make about their property manager or landlord and what you can do to prevent them.  

  1. Poor Communication
  1. Maintenance/Work Orders
  1. Lack of Privacy
  1. Poor Customer Service
  1. Deposits Reimbursement
  1. Anxiety and cost of the rental application process

Having the means of dealing with tenant complaints will ensure proper management of your properties. Handling tenant complaints appropriately and preventing them from happening altogether will create a positive landlord-tenant relationship and build your reputation as a great property manager in the community.

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