Rentec Direct Blog

2019 Performance Updates for Rentec Direct Software

performance updates rentec direct

Do you dislike waiting for a web page or application to load as much as I do?  The moment I load up a website, whether I’m on a mobile device or desktop, if it takes more than the count of two to load, I generally move on.  According to Google and other web researchers, this puts me into a pretty small group of the most annoyingly discerning of web users. Think of it this way – if my “need for speed” were something else, say, a need to clean (it’s not.. but let’s go with it) it would drive me utterly bat crazy if the floors weren’t mopped every day, or if one stray loose sock was sitting all by itself without it’s buddy.  This is great news for Rentec Direct users though because my need for speed helps save you time every day!

While I’m somewhat lucky in that I get to choose what hat I’m wearing each week, one of my favorite hats to wear is the one that does something to save you time.  See, I’m using the system every day just like you are.  If something loads slow for anybody I’m on top of it (like cheese on macaroni).

If you aren’t interested in the technical details, I’ll summarize what’s coming for you.  “Rentec Direct is getting some major upgrades and will continue to be the fastest property management software solution on the planet!”.  If you want to know how or why our system is so amazingly fast, read on. Otherwise, that’s pretty much the gist of this article and you can stop here if you are content knowing that you are using the fastest system.

The meat & potatoes of the upgrades…

I’ve watched thousands of Rentec Direct clients grow from managing a handful of properties to hundreds, even thousands, of properties.  At ten, fifty, or even a couple hundred properties it’s hard to notice any performance issues. Once you grow up to 500+ properties you might notice that some reports and lists don’t load as quick as they used to. This is because a report might be loading 500 lines of data, but to generate those 500 lines of data it needs to reach out to the database 10 or 20 times per line for a total of 5,000 to 10,000 data inquires.  Now multiply this time the other 2000 or so people that are using the system simultaneously and we’re asking our database to return up to 20 million pieces of data at a time. That’s a lot of data, more than I ever dreamed Rentec would process when I came up with the idea over 10 years ago.

To ensure that our growing clients experience the same ultra-fast system they have always been used to, I’ve been working with our engineers to improve the overall speed of the system.  Here’s what we’re working on, and some things we’ve already done.

If you read past my summary above and read all this, thank you!  It might mean that you are as passionate about performance as I am.  I assure you, the performance of Rentec Direct is one of our major ongoing goals, but as I mentioned above we’re really focusing on some major steps for this year to keep Rentec light years ahead of the curve.

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