Rentec Direct Blog

Top 5 Move-Ready Decor Items for Renters

move-ready decor for renters

You rent, and while that can mean that you’re able to move easily for your dream job when the opportunity arises, it can also mean that moving is a part of your lifestyle–more than you might like. It can be tempting to sign your year lease and ignore your decorating desires–telling yourself that there is no need to invest excessive effort if you will “soon” be leaving.

Don’t allow yourself to sink into this mindset. While your lease term can feel like a relatively short time in terms of packing and unpacking, remember that you will be spending many hours in the comfort–or confines of your rental. After all, your home is your castle as they say, and there are few things that will make you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your rental than taking the time to add your personal touches.

Embrace your space without causing a headache at the end of your lease term with these move-ready decor items.

Frame with Rotating Art

It can be tempting to think of decorating as an all-or-nothing project. Perhaps it is a thought processes bourne of television shows with magical reveals at the end, or of picturesque images in your favorite household magazine. Realistically, most of the well-decorated homes in real-life become that way over time. Well curated collections are the result of careful additions to space, not the result of department store art on sale in a three pack.

Instead of trying to fill up your walls with kitschy artwork or photos that may not mean a lot to you, find a medium to large frame that fits your aesthetic. Slowly purchase art that will fit inside. Once you have a small collection? Rotate your favorites by season or feel, for a simple way to change up your apartment’s style without a lot of hassle. Simply put the extras in a small protective tote or box, and when moving day arrives wrap your frame with protective padding and place your artwork in the moving van. This is much easier than taking down an entire gallery wall of semi-liked artwork and can create an even better focal point in your space.

Command Photo Ledges:

No space is complete without a small shelf or ledge to display your favorite photographs and trinkets, however, not every rental comes ready with a space to reasonably place these items. Enter the command photo ledge. It’s easy to remove, holds up to 5 pounds, and can even be paired with a second ledge to create a faux mantel look–which works wonderfully during the holiday season. Since these photo ledges are held up with command strips instead of screws or nails, there is very little worry about damage when you need to move them to your next place.

Vinyl Decals:

There are few wall items simpler to remove than vinyl decals, making them the perfect option for added visual interest in a rental. They can be delicately placed back in their original packaging for transport, or simply discarded since they are relatively inexpensive. This means there’s little to no hassle on moving day, but you have a lovely display on your walls in the interim. Win-win!


Funky or colorful lights can have a big impact on the look and general feel of your space. God bold with colorful bulbs that cast color on white walls, or opt for a more minimalistic look with delicate fairy lights on bookcases. These options may take a little extra time to pack up securely, but relocating them is significantly easier and faster than repainting at lease term, and offer a similar visual impact.

Room Divider:

A hand-painted or prefabricated divider with a mural or colorful design adds a great deal of visual interest to an empty wall. Plus, these items serve double-duty as a boost to your aesthetic and a pragmatic solution to breaking up an open space or hiding problem areas within your apartment. When it’s time to say goodbye to your current abode, it’s hassle-free to fold up and pack. This means you aren’t investing blood, sweat, and tears into repainting or removing a plethora of items from your walls.

Year-long lease terms can sometimes have you feeling that you have one foot out the door already, but don’t be afraid to fall in love with your space while you are there. After all, everyone deserves to have a homey and comfortable living space regardless of whether you are enjoying the excitement of new places and adventures, or putting down roots and renting long-term.


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