Rentec Direct Blog

More Workorder & Report Improvements

As promised, we’ve rolled out another significant update to the workorder system.  Workorders now accept file attachments via our new file attachment engine (look out for this new file attachment engine to replace the existing one in other areas of the application in the coming weeks).  When editing a workorder you can now attach any related files you wish.  Examples:

Do you have a bunch of files to upload?  No problem, just click “Choose Files” (or “Browse” on some browsers), and hold down the CTRL key while selecting multiple files.  You can upload them all at once.  To remove any files you’ve uploaded, just right-click the thumbnail and choose “Remove File”.  Just make sure you are using either Chrome, Firefox, or IE 10 or greater to use these new features.

Open Workorders Report – This report is now a property and date bound report.  Previously there was no date binding, so now you can specify a range of dates which will influence the report.  The date is bound to the date the workorder was created or received.

More Report Enhancements – While we were at it, we’ve had a lot of requests to save the report settings from page to page.  For example, if you select a property and run a financial report, then move over to renter or misc reports next, the property and date range will follow you.  This improvement should be a real time saver.

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