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5 Ways to Embrace Eco-Friendly Living From Home: Infographic

Eco-Friendly Living from Home

Between budding spring blooms and earth day celebrations, it’s natural to have eco-living on the brain. While this year’s Earth Day activities may have finally ramped up to be more similar to years past, there are other ways you can actively go green and commemorate eco-friendly living. Here are some ways to embrace green living without having to leave your own front door.


Go Paperless:

Stuck at home with nothing to do? Now is the time to finally take those quick steps to switch to a paperless bill pay option. Most lenders, utility services offer the option if you ask–just make sure to sign up for a truly paperless option. Some services will still send you paper statements unless you specify that you would like to go electronic only. If you rent, don’t forget to check with your landlord, because you may even be able to pay your rent online–meaning no wasting money on paper checks, stamps, and envelopes. 

Start a Small Garden: 

A small garden is an excellent place to start when it comes to creating a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Harvesting your own favorite fruits and vegetables or herbs eliminates the carbon emissions from transporting all the products you buy to the store, and it can mitigate the temptation to waste food. After all, once you stop outsourcing all your produce, you develop a better appreciation for the amount of work that goes into the food you eat,  possibly translating to more conscious choices to prevent food waste (even with the items you buy).

Thankfully, you don’t need a large space to start growing your favorite produce. A windowsill can host a variety of herbs and sprouts, while a balcony or porch can be used to make a beautiful garden with the help of a few clever containers.

Opt for Energy Efficient:

If you still have old incandescent light bulbs, opt for energy-saving LED bulbs. This will lower your utility costs and reduce your carbon footprint through the same simple change. If you know of any other areas in your home or apartment that could use an energy-efficient upgrade, consider making the leap. If you rent, talk to your landlord or property manager to see if an update is possible, if you plan to stay in the rental long-term, you can even offer to cover part of the expense.

Simply Recycle:

Recycling is one of the easiest (and least expensive) ways to keep your home eco-friendly. Prevent unnecessary waste by opting to recycle or reuse any items that would otherwise be put in the refuse bin. If you live in a single-family home, be sure to look into your curbside recycling options, and for those living in apartment complexes, as your landlord or property manager if they currently offer–or would consider adding–recycling collection containers with easy to follow guidelines on recycling materials.  

Support Local:

The longer an item has to travel to get to your front door, the less eco-friendly it becomes. The next time you go shopping, support your local artisans and farmers. Opt to buy handcrafted items from people in your very own neighborhood, and support restaurants that prioritize locally sourced ingredients. Not only will you end up with fresher food and unique wares, but you will stimulate your local community’s economy, and keep your purchases more friendly to the environment.

Taking a nature walk, planting a tree, or celebrating with friends may be an exciting way to honor Earth Month and celebrate green living, but there are so many ways to go eco-friendly right from your home.


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