Vik, Systems Developer (aka Code Monkey)

What do I get to do for Rentec every day?
Make the world a better place one byte at a time.
What is my dream job?
Teaching history, science and computer programming in High School, creating a Sci Fi game, writing novels, programming cool stuff… oh, I already do that last one.
One day, I hope to learn how to...
Play the ukulele and sing.
My favorite rental story?
Have you ever had upstairs neighbors who stomp their feet so hard they seem to be trying to use your ceiling as a bass drum? Never again.
My favorite spare time activity?
Running in the hills like a wild thing.
How well do you know Vik?
Two of these statements are true. One is a lie. (Can you guess the truths?)
  1. I donated blood then immediately went for a swim in the ocean then ran up a mountain to the top.
  2. I took on an Olympic fencer and beat him.
  3. I worked on the Hubbell Telescope and you could see the parts I built in the movie “Gravity”.