Rentec Direct Blog

New Feature: Online Applications

A great new feature which improves upon the online listings for your properties, is the new online application features.

We’ve designed a fully configurable and customizable online applications system for you to use which will help qualify prospective tenants quickly.

If you haven’t already seen how easy it is to publish your properties online at no additional costs to you, visit for a quick demonstration.  Additionally with the online application feature enabled, an apply button will show on your listings and allow prospective tenants to apply right there.  Be sure to login and visit the settings tab to set any preferences and custom questions you may have for your applicants.

The information is automatically captured and shows up within your properties in Rentec Direct.  Simply look at your properties tab, and any unread applications will show up right under the property name.  All read and archived applications are available by choosing the property and viewing the “Stored Applications” link.

Our goal at Rentec Direct is to make your property management experience as simple as possible.  We keep this in mind with every new feature we create.  When you review an online application, you have three options.  Decline, Run Background checks, and Approve and Add tenant.   For the background checks and adding tenants, we automatically copy the information provided by the tenant into the applicable forms so you don’t have to retype any information.  You then have the opportunity to edit it as well, and with only a couple clicks you’ve added all the new data necessary for a new tenant.

p.s. Background screening is the next major feature Rentec Direct will be releasing.  It’s right around the corner.  Soon you will be able to, with just a click, screen any existing or prospective tenants via various national, state, and local databases.  For in-depth searches, we’ll even send somebody into the applicable counties courthouse to retrieve records when needed.  Stay tuned, we’re excited about this upcoming feature and will announce it right here the moment it is ready!

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