Rentec Direct Blog

Help! I Need To Get This Property Rented, And Fast!

imagesTo a landlord or property manager, vacancies are one of the biggest concerns since vacancies are catastrophic to cash flow.  It’s important that when a property becomes vacant the amount of time that passes until the next tenant moves in is as short as possible. A loss of rental income for a couple months turn a money making property into a money pit. I’ve put together a list of tips/advice from my landlord friends and my own personal experience on how to fill those vacancies swiftly.

Start Early – As soon as you get your 30 day notice from the existing tenant it is the time to start thinking about marketing your soon to be vacant home.  Write (or refresh) your classified ad, make sure you have up to date pictures, and begin your online marketing efforts.  If you don’t mind getting calls early to create a list of applicants, go ahead and publish your listings.

Advertising – You want as many potential renters seeing your listing as possible.  Use as many  advertising methods and source as you can to get the widest audience.  Below are examples of some solid sources that always work for landlords and property managers alike:

Be Descriptive and Honest – Is it an older house, then don’t list it as a “newer home” or “like new”, and likewise if parking is poor don’t highlight the “great on-street parking”.  The more honest and accurate your ad is the more likely you are going to receive applications from people that will be satisfied with the property. And you won’t be wasting time processing applications, showing the property, and fielding phone calls for tenants who find the property unsuitable or not ideal for them.  Your time is much better spent focused on the tenants who are looking for exactly what you have available.  I always post lots of pictures for tenants to peruse online so there are no surprises when they visit the property.

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