Rentec Direct Blog

Add your bank accounts

daccount_selectRentec Direct is pleased to announce a major enhancement to the Rentec Direct accounting system.  Tying in bank accounts to your properties is now supported and of course, all the financial reports are now available to both the property accounting as well as these new bank accounts giving you the ultimate flexibility.

Rentec Direct has expanded the capabilities once again of the accounting systems available to you. While many landlords who manage one or just a few properties do not need enhanced accounting features, it is very useful for those who manage more units to have the ability to link in bank accounts.

Here’s some common use cases:

You can access and setup accounts under the Settings tab, option Property Banking. If you use this feature frequently it may be convenient to add an Accounts tab to the top of your window for easier access to your bank accounts. You can add this tab simply by going to the Settings tab, Program Defaults, and then mark Yes next to the show the accounts tab option. The tab will show in the main interface between the Tenants and Reports tabs.

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